Live Scan Digital Fingerprinting

in Fort Myers, FL

About Ship-N-Go

Ship-N-Go is Certified and Approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to provide Live Scan fingerprinting and Hard Card (FD-258) fingerprinting. Low cost Live Scan and Hard Card fingerprinting services have never been so easier in Fort Myers. Simply give Ship-N-Go a call at 239-482-7447 to schedule your fingerprint appointment.

Offering The Next Generation Of Fingerprint Technology

The days of “ink on paper” fingerprinting are quickly going the way of snail mail. Ship-N-Go offers the next generation of fingerprint technology: Digital Fingerprinting – Live Scan Fingerprinting at Ship-N-Go.

Unlike ink-on-paper fingerprints, Live Scan Digital fingerprints can be transmitted electronically and shared among agencies. It is more efficient and cost-effective, so many states, federal agencies, and industries no longer accept ink on paper.  They now require Live Scan Digital fingerprinting.

If you’re a part of certain agencies or industry groups, you will probably need to get “Live Scan  or Digitally fingerprinted” as a requirement of your employment or participation.

What is Live Scan Digital Fingerprinting?

Live Scan Digital Fingerprinting is the electronic fingerprinting process that replaces traditional ink fingerprinting. An individual’s fingerprints are scanned and securely transmitted to the government, which performs a criminal history background check using an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). Live Scan is often required by statute for certain types of state-issued licenses, employment, and volunteer work.

Live Scan Digital Fingerprinting is a form of background check required by the state and federal governments; typically for state-issued licenses, employment, or volunteer work. It is also often required for (but not limited to) people who work or volunteer in positions of trust for populations such as vulnerable citizenry, the elderly, dependent adults and children. The government will check submitted fingerprints against its database to retrieve an individual’s criminal record.

Organizations That May Require Live Scan Digital Fingerprints

  • AHCA Agency for Health Care Administration
  • APD Agency for Persons with Disabilities
  • DCF Department of Children and Families
  • DOEA Department of Elderly Affairs
  • DHSMV Florida Dept. of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles
  • DBPR Florida Dept. of Business & Professional Regulations
  • DOH Dept. of Health (LPN, MD, DO, RN, PA, ARNP, CNA)
  • DOACS Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  • VECHS Volunteer & Employee Criminal History System

How Does the Process Work?

A trained Live Scan specialist will capture fingerprints using a Live Scan system. The fingerprints are then sent securely via electronic transmission to the appropriate FBI or DOJ-certified channeling agencies for background check processing. A live scan typically takes 10 to 15 minutes, and Ship-N-Go will collect all appropriate fees at the time of service.

Ship-N-Go has the advanced equipment and software necessary for Live Scan Digital Fingerprinting in Fort Myers, FL.

How Much Does Live Scan Cost in Florida?

Live Scan fingerprinting in Florida has two fees associated with the service.  Ship-N-Go’s Digital Fingerprint Scan (DFS) is $39.95, plus the government fee associated with your application type which will be $29.00 to $61.25.

How Do I Get My Live Scan Results in Florida?

The Live Scan results are sent electronically to your requesting or licensing agency, so it’s important that you contact them directly to ensure they have received the fingerprint-based background check report provided to them by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

How Do I Get My TCN for a Florida Live Scan?

Ship-N-Go will provide you with a TCN upon completion of our fingerprint scan, that you can use to search for the status of your fingerprint-based background check.

Live Scan Fingerprint Warnings

There are many Third Party Vendors claiming to provide fingerprinting services. Be cautious of these businesses since they have not gone through the vetting, application and licensing process, nor have they paid the appropriate fees to do fingerprinting. They are NOT authorized by FDLE nor the FBI to provide fingerprinting services. You are providing these vendors all of your VITAL, personal information including your fingerprints and possibly opening yourself up to identity theft. Many of these businesses are fly-by- night, here today and gone tomorrow. You are able to check if the Live Scan fingerprint provider is certified and approved by Law Enforcement and FBI by checking FDLE’s approved provider list: .

Fingerprinting on FBI FD-258 Hard Cards

Ship-N-Go has the ability to scan your fingerprints through our Live Scan system, then print them on the FBI FD-258 Hard Cards. The fee for this service is $39.95 for the Digital Fingerprint Scan (DFS) and $14.95 for the printing of two FBI FD-258 Hard Cards.

Appointment Required

Simply give our location a call at 239-482-7447 to schedule your appointment.


16295 S. Tamiami Trail
Fort Myers, FL 33908


PH: 239-482-7447
FX: 239-482-0010

Store Hours

Monday - Friday         Saturday                   Sunday
9:00am - 5:30pm       10:00am - 2:00pm       Closed